论 文


Xiyao Li、 Qingkun Zhao、 Yangzhong Tian、 Qiannan Wang、 Jitang Fan、 Kexing Song、 Haofei Zhou、 Jiangwei WangPhase transformation induced transitional twin boundary in body-centered cubic metalsActa Materialia2023
Yao Tang、 Haofei ZhouHigh pressure heat treatment tuning cavitation behavior in FeP metallic glassActa Mechanica Sinica2023
Haiming Lu、 Yao Tang、 Fanheng Jiang、 Panpan Wan、 Haofei ZhouMechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of metallic glasses under hydrostatic pressureActa Mechanica Solida Sinica2023
Elsayed Barakata、 Tai Jin、 Xiaokang Tong、 Chengbiao Ma、 Gaofeng Wang*Experimental investigation of saturated fogging and overspray influence on part-load micro gas turbine performanceApplied Thermal Engineering2023
Yao Chen、 Yanyu Xiao、 Yanye Zhang、 Renying Wang、 Feixia Wang、 Huajing Gao、 Yifeng Liu、 Runju Zhang、 Huiyu Sun、 Ziming Zhou、 Siwen Wang、 Kai Chen、 Yixi Sun、 Mixue Tu、 Jingyi Li、 Qiong Luo、 Yiqing Wu、 Linling Zhu、 Yun Huang、 Xiao Sun、 Guoji Guo、 Dan ZhangSingle-cell landscape analysis reveals systematic senescence in mammalian Down syndromeClinical and Translational Medicine2023
Elsayed Barakata、 Tai Jin、 Gaofeng Wang*Performance analysis of selective exhaust gas recirculation integrated with fogging cooling system for gas turbine power plantsEnergy2023
Haiming Lu、 Yao Tang、 Xunuo Cao、 Panpan Zhu、 Weifeng Zou、 Tiefeng Li、 Rui Xiao、 Haofei ZhouThe change of glass transition temperature under general stress state in amorphous materialsExtreme Mechanics Letters2023
Pei ZhaoDotView: A low-cost compact tactile sensor for pressure, shear, and torsion estimationIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters2023
Weiyang Sun、 Jinming Xu、 Jiming ChenIdentifiability and identification of switching dynamical networks: A data-based approachIEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems2023
Yangfan Hu、 Qian Zheng、 Xudong Jiang、 Gang PanFast-SNN: Fast spiking neural network by converting quantized ANNIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence2023
Chengfei Fan、 Liyan Li、 Mingmin Zhao、 An Liu、 Minjian ZhaoCommunication and energy-constrained neighbor selection for distributed cooperative localizationIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications2023
Yuyang Shen、 Jin Zhou、 Danzhe Xu、 Fangguo Zhao、 Jinming Xu、 Jiming Chen、 Shuo LiAggressive trajectory generation for a swarm of autonomous racing dronesIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2023
Zhipeng Zhang、 Qishan Huang、 Haofei ZhouHigh-entropy alloy nanocrystals with low-angle grain boundary for superb plastic deformability and recoverabilityInternational Journal of Plasticity2023
Y.X. Li、 Raymond Kwesi Nutor、 Q.K. Zhao、 X.P. Zhang、 Q.P. Cao、 S.S. Sohn、 X.D. Wang、 S.Q. Ding、 D.X. Zhang、 H.F. Zhou、 J.W. Wang、 J.Z. Jiang Unraveling the deformation behavior of the Fe45Co25Ni10V20 high entropy alloyInternational Journal of Plasticity2023
Xunuo Cao、 Jiangshan Zhuo、 Weifeng Zou、 Xinge Li、 Dongrui Ruan、 Xuxu Yang、 Fanghao Zhou、 Tiefeng LiA two-stage magnetically enhanced buoyancy adjustment actuator based on dielectric elastomerJournal of Applied Mechanics2023
Yifeng Tang、 Yan Li、 Wenchong Yang、 Wenxiang Zhou、 Jinquan Huang、 Tao Cui*Multi-input multi-output robust control of turbofan engines based on off-equilibrium linearization linear parameter varying model Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power2023
Pei ZhaoInterfacial damage of bilayer graphene under shear deformation: Theory, experiment, and simulationJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2023
Yaoting Xue、 Mingyu Chen、 Jiasheng Cao、 Lei Wang、 Jiahao Hu、 Siyang Li、 Jiliang Shen、 Xinge Li、 Kaihang Zhang、 Shuqiang Hao、 Sarun Juengpanich、 Sibo Cheng、 Tuckwhye Wong、 Xuxu Yang、 Tiefeng Li、 Xiujun Cai、 Wei YangAdhesive cryogel particles for bridging confined and irregular tissue defectsMilitary Medical Research2023
Feixia Wang、 Yifeng Liu、 Feida Ni、 Jiani Jin、 Yiqing Wu、 Yun Huang、 Xiaohang Ye、 Xilin Shen、 Yue Ying、 Jianhua Chen、 Ruixue Chen、 Yanye Zhang、 Xiao Sun、 Siwen Wang、 Xiao Xu、 Chuan Chen、 Jiansheng Guo、 Dan ZhangBNC1 deficiency-triggered ferroptosis through the NF2-YAP pathway induces primary ovarian insufficiencyNature Communications2023
Gaofeng Wang、 Hui Wang、 Yifan Xia*、 Liang Zhong、 Elsayed Barakat、 Wenjie TaoFlame propagation patterns and local flame features of an annular combustor with multiple centrally staged swirling burnersPhysics of Fluids2023
Yao Yang、 Gaofeng Wang*、 Han Wu、 Zhixin Zhu、 Chengbiao Ma、 Jingxuan LiInvestigation of flame and flow response in the swirler with different divergence cup and central body under external excitationPhysics of Fluids2023
Zengyi Lyu、 Yuanqi Fang、 Gaofeng Wang*Precursor detection of thermoacoustic instability using statistical complexity and artificial neural networkPhysics of Fluids2023
Siyang Li、 Panpan Zhu、 Yaoting Xue、 Lei Wang、 Tuck-Whye Wong、 Xuxu Yang、 Haofei Zhou、 Tiefeng Li、 Wei YangInhibition of heterogeneous nucleation in water by hydrogel coatingResearch2023
Kaihang Zhang、 Yaowei Fan、 Shiming Shen、 Xuxu Yang、 Tiefeng LiTunable folding assembly strategy for soft pneumatic actuatorsSoft Robotics2023
Dong Xing、 Pengjie Gu、 Qian Zheng、 Xinrun Wang、 Shanqi Liu、 Longtao Zheng、 Bo An、 Gang PanControlling type confounding in ad hoc teamwork with instance-wise teammate feedback rectificationThe International Conference on Machine Learning (Icml)2023
Qishan Huang、 Jiangwei Wang、 Haofei Zhou、 Wei Yang纳米结构金属晶界塑性机理的原子尺度模拟研究进展科学通报2023
Chuan Wei Zhang、 Weifeng Zou、 Hai Chao Yu、 Xing Peng Hao、 Guorui Li、 Tiefeng Li、 Wei Yang、 Zi Liang Wu、 Qiang ZhengManta ray inspired soft robot fish with tough hydrogels as structural elementsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2022
Kaiming Hu、 Hujian Ge、 Hua Li、 Tianhong Yan、 Xiaoya Zheng、 Ban WangHigh actuation capability and smooth-deformation piezo morphing wing based on multi-layer parallel pre-compressed MFC bimorphAerospace Science and Technology2022
Elsayed Barakata、 Tai Jin、 Hui Wang、 Keqi Hu、 Gaofeng Wang*Experimental and numerical study of fogging cooling performance through a cylindrical duct for a micro gas turbineApplied Thermal Engineering2022
Haijiang Dong、 Zequn Li、 Suchen Bian、 Guangyuan Song、 Wenfeng Song、 Mingqi Zhang、 Haiyang Xie、 Shusen Zheng、 Xuxu Yang、 Tiefeng Li、 Penghong SongCulture of patient-derived multicellular clusters in suspended hydrogel capsules for pre-clinical personalized drug screeningBioactive Materials2022
Ji Lin、 Panpan Zhu、 Chuanshuai Tian、 Haofei Zhou、 Rui XiaoPhysically-based interpretation of abnormal stress relaxation response in glassy polymersExtreme Mechanics Letters2022
Yan Xu、 Hongwei Li、 Hua Li、 Guanhui Fang、 He JiaPath planning and intelligent control of a soft robot arm based on gas-structure coupling actuatorsFrontiers in Materials2022
Yao Liu、 Min Li、 An Liu、 Jianmin Lu、 Tony Xiao HanInformation-theoretic limits of integrated sensing and communication with correlated sensing and channel states for vehicular networksIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology2022
Zhe Huang、 Kexuan Wang、 An Liu、 Yunlong Cai、 Rui Du、 Tony Xiao HanJoint pilot optimization, target detection and channel estimation for integrated sensing and communication systemsIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications2022
Zhepei Wang、 Chao Xu、 Fei GaoRobust trajectory planning for spatial-temporal multi-drone coordination in large scenesIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (Iros)2022
Yan Huang、 Yin Sun、 Zehan Zhu、 Changzhi Yan、 Jinming XuTackling data heterogeneity: A new unified framework for decentralized SGD with sample-induced topologyInternational Conference on Machine Learning2022
Yingbin Chen、 Shuchun Zhao、 Qishan Huang、 Qi Zhu、 Kexing Song、 Haofei Zhou、 Jiangwei Wang A geometrical model for grain boundary migration mediated formation of multifold twinsInternational Journal of Plasticity2022
Qishan Huang、 Qingkun Zhao、 Haofei Zhou、 Wei YangMisorientation-dependent transition between grain boundary migration and sliding in FCC metalsInternational Journal of Plasticity2022
Yimou Fu、 Xiaocheng Hu、 Yide Liu、 Peng Wang、 Shuo Chen、 Haofei Zhou、 Honghui Yu、 Shaoxing Qu、 Wei YangImpact-induced bubble interaction and coalescence in soft materialsInternational Journal of Solids and Structures2022
Yuanqi Fang、 Gaofeng Wang*、 Zengyi LyuSelf-excited second-order azimuthal thermoacoustic instabilities in an annular combustor with oblique-injecting swirling burnersJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power2022
Haofei Zhou、 Panpan Zhu、 Wei Yang、 Huajian GaoA gradient Eshelby force on twinning partial dislocations and associated detwinning mechanism in gradient nanotwinned metalsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2022
Panpan Zhu、 Ji Lin、 Rui Xiao、 Haofei ZhouUnravelling physical origin of the Bauschinger effect in glassy polymersJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids2022
Kaiming Hu、 Hujian Ge、 Hua Li、 Shenglong Xie、 Suan XuRate-dependent hysteresis modeling and displacement tracking control based on least-squares SVM for axially pre-compressed macro-fiber composite bimorphMaterials2022
Feng Zhao、 Chenhui Lei、 Qingkun Zhao、 Huiya Yang、 Guoping Ling、 Jiabin Liu、 Haofei Zhou、 Hongtao WangPredicting the property contour-map and optimum composition of Cu-Co-Si alloys via machine learningMaterials Today Communications2022
Zhen Yang、 Liang Sun、 Chunli Zhang、 Chuanzeng Zhang、 Cunfa GaoAnalysis of a composite   piezoelectric semiconductor cylindrical shell under the thermal loadingMechanics of Materials2022
Guofeng Zhou、 Qishan Huang、 Yingbin Chen、 Xiongqing Yu、 Haofei ZhouAnnihilation mechanism of low-angle grain boundary in nanocrystalline metalsMetals2022
Yao Tang、 Haofei Zhou、 Haiming Lu、 Xiaodong Wang、 Qingping Cao、 Dongxian Zhang、 Wei Yang、 Jian-Zhong JiangExtra plasticity governed by shear band deflection in gradient metallic glassesNature Communications2022
Hongtao WangHigh-speed quadrupedal locomotion by imitation-relaxation reinforcement learningNature Machine Intelligence2022
Hui Wang、 Liang Zhong、 Sayed Barakat、 Yifan Xia、 Wenjie Tao、 Xiaokang Tong、 Gaofeng WangExperimental investigation on the ignition dynamics of an annular combustor with multiple centrally staged swirling burnersPhysics of Fluids2022
Zengyi Lyu、 Yuanqi Fang、 Zhixin Zhu、 Xiaowei Jia、 Xianzhi Gao、 Gaofeng WangPrediction of acoustic pressure of the annular combustor using stacked long short-term memory networkPhysics of Fluids2022
Qi Zhu、 Qishan Huang、 Yanzhong Tian、 Shuchun Zhao、 Yingbin Chen、 Guang Cao、 Kexing Song、 Yanjun Zhou、 Wei Yang、 Ze Zhang、 Xianghai An、 Haofei Zhou、 Jiangwei WangHierarchical twinning governed by defective twin boundary in metallic materialsScience Advances2022
方元祺、 陶雯婕、 杨瑶、 王高峰、 郑耀环形燃烧室壁温对热声不稳定性影响的实验研究推进技术2022
陶雯婕、 王慧、 钟亮、 王晶、 李松阳、 王高峰基于随机粒子追踪方法的环形燃烧室点火动态模拟推进技术2022
Yang Zhang、 Qiancheng Ren、 Xuewei Zhang、 Zhengyang Chen、 Haoran Zheng、 Jinglan Liu、 Yanhan Jin、 Cheng-Te Lin、 Yi Zhao、 Pei ZhaoFacile graphene transfer using commercially available liquid bandageACS Applied Nano Materials2021
Vikul Vasudev、 Xiaoke Ku、 Jianzhong LinCombustion behavior of algal biochars obtained at different pyrolysis heating ratesACS Omega2021
Yun Fei、 Tao Meng、 Zhonghe JinNano satellite attitude determination with randomly delayed measurementsActa Astronautica2021
Ji Lin、 Yanzhong Wang、 Jin QianEffects of domain unfolding and catch-like dissociation on the collective behavior of integrin-fibronectin bond clustersActa Mechanica Sinica2021
Duo Wang、 Xu Zheng、 Xiaodong Chen、 Guoqing HuFlow-pattern-altered syntheses of core-shell and hole-shell microparticles in an axisymmetric microfluidic deviceActa Mechanica Sinica2021
Zhenhua Xia、 Peng Zhang、 Xiang I. A. YangOn skin friction in wall-bounded turbulenceActa Mechanica Sinica2021
Yuze Cao、 Jun Zhu、 Bin Wu、 Weiqiu ChenAxisymmetric free vibration of soft electroactive circular plates under biasing fieldsActa Mechanica Solida Sinica2021
Zuguang Ying、 Yiqing NiVibrational amplitude frequency characteristics analysis of a controlled nonlinear meso-scale beamActuators2021
Xiaocheng Hu、 Yimou Fu、 Yide Liu、 Binhong Liu、 Shaoxing QuAcarid suction cup-inspired rapid and tunable magnetic adhesionAdvanced Materials Technologies2021
Binhong Liu、 Heng Zhu、 Donghao Zhao、 Guodong Nian、 Shaoxing Qu、 Wei YangHydrogel coating enabling mechanically friendly, step-index, functionalized optical fiberAdvanced Optical Materials2021
Wenwen Zhao、 Lijian Jiang、 Shaobo Yao、 Weifang ChenData-driven nonlinear constitutive relations for rarefied flow computationsAdvances in Aerodynamics2021
Zhenyu Yuan、 Wenwen Zhao、 Zhongzheng Jiang、 Weifang ChenNumerical simulation of hypersonic reaction flows with nonlinear coupled constitutive relationsAerospace Science and Technology2021
Yu Guo、 Qingzhao Liu、 Yanjie Li、 Zhenhua Li、 Hanhui Jin、 Carl Wassgren、 Jennifer S. CurtisDiscrete element method models of elastic and elastoplastic fiber assembliesAiche Journal2021
S. Barakat、 Hui Wang、 Tai Jin、 Wenjie Tao、 Gaofeng WangIsothermal swirling flow characteristics and pressure drop analysis of a novel double swirl burnerAIP Advances2021
Ruifang Shi、 Jianzhong Lin、 Hailin Yang、 Mingzhou YuDistribution of non-spherical nanoparticles in turbulent flow of ventilation chamber considering fluctuating particle number densityApplied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition2021
Lei Xia、 Jiaojiao Sun、 Zuguang Ying、 Ronghua Huan、 Weiqiu ZhuDynamics and response reshaping of nonlinear predator-prey system undergoing random abrupt disturbancesApplied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition2021
Lu Liu、 Shuang Liu、 Weiwen Qian、 Hanzhao Li、 Huilian MaResonant fiber optical gyroscope using the single-mode fiber ring resonatorApplied Optics2021
Nan Gao、 Sichao Qu、 Liang Si、 Jiao Wang、 Weiqiu ChenBroadband topological valley transport of elastic wave in reconfigurable phononic crystal plateApplied Physics Letters2021
Chen Liu、 Jianzhong LinA review on the some issues of multiphase flow with self-driven particlesApplied Sciences-Basel2021
Dongmei Chen、 Jianzhong Lin、 Xiao HuResearch on the inertial migration characteristics of bi-disperse particles in channel flowApplied Sciences-Basel2021
Yuan Zheng、 Zheng Chen、 Xueming Shao、 Wenjie ZhaoTime-optimal guidance for intercepting moving targets by Dubins vehiclesAutomatica2021
Jian Deng、 Danshi LiuSpontaneous response of a self-organized fish school to a predatorBioinspiration & Biomimetics2021
Yongzheng Zhu、 Xuan Bai、 Guoqing HuInterfacial behavior of phospholipid monolayers revealed by mesoscopic simulationBiophysical Journal2021
Jinglan Liu、 Xuewei Zhang、 Yang Zhang、 Qiancheng Ren、 Yanhan Jin、 Pei ZhaoInherent strains in chemical-vapor-deposited bilayer graphene on CuCarbon2021
Zhiqiang He、 Zhongzheng Jiang、 Huangwei Zhang、 Weifang ChenAnalytical method of nonlinear coupled constitutive relations for rarefied non-equilibrium flowsChinese Journal of Aeronautics2021
Xiao Hu、 Jianzhong Lin、 Dongmei Chen、 Xiaoke KuDynamics of self-organizing single-line particle trains in the channel flow of a power-law fluidChinese Journal of Chemical Engineering2021
Anqi Zhang、 Chenlin Zhu、 Dingyi Pan、 Yuan LinStudy on strain stiffening of non-colloidal suspension in oscillating shear by a subsequent steady shear testColloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects2021
Liang Zhong、 Yao Yang、 Tai Jin、 Yifan Xia、 Yuanqi Fang、 Yao Zheng、 Gaofeng WangLocal flame and flow properties of propagating premixed turbulent flames during light-round process in a MICCA-type annular combustorCombustion and Flame2021
Hualin Liu、 Guiyu Cao、 Weifang ChenMultiple-temperature gas-kinetic scheme for type IV shock/shock interactionCommunications in Computational Physics2021
Qiaorui Chen、 Shuai Zhang、 Yao ZhengParallel realistic visualization of particle-based fluidComputer Animation and Virtual Worlds2021
Xinshuai Zhang、 Fangfang Xie、 Tingwei Ji、 Zaoxu Zhu、 Yao ZhengMulti-fidelity deep neural network surrogate model for aerodynamic shape optimizationComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering2021
Hanqing Li、 Bonan Xu、 Hanhui Jin、 Haiou Wang、 Jianren FanTwo improved electronegativity equalization methods for charge distribution in large scale non-uniform systemComputers & Mathematics with Applications2021
Faxin Yu、 Qi Zhou、 Zhiyu Wang、 Jiongjiong Mo、 Hua ChenDesign and implementation of RF front-end module based on 3D heterogenous-integrated wafer-level packagingElectronics2021
Cong Liu、 Longhua Ma、 Zheming Lu、 Xiance Jin、 Jingyun XuMultimodal medical image registration via common representations learning and differentiable geometric constraintsElectronics Letters2021
Haichao Zhang、 Zheming Lu、 Hao Luo、 Yapei FengRestore DeepFakes video frames via identifying individual motion stylesElectronics Letters2021
Jin Wang、 Xiaoke Ku、 Jianzhong Lin、 Shuna YangImpact of the reactor structure on biomass pyrolysis in fluidized-bed reactors: A coarse-grained CFD-DEM studyEnergy & Fuels2021
Yao Yang、 Yuanqi Fang、 Liang Zhong、 Yifan Xia、 Tai Jin、 Jingxuan Li、 Gaofeng WangDMD analysis for velocity fields of a laminar premixed flame with external acoustic excitationExperimental Thermal and Fluid Science2021
Bingrui Liu、 Jianzhong Lin、 Xiaoke KuMigration and alignment of three interacting particles in poiseuille flow of Giesekus fluidsFluids2021
Wei Li、 Bowei Yang、 Guanghua Song、 Xiaohong JiangDynamic value iteration networks for the planning of rapidly changing UAV swarmsFrontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering2021
Zengyi Lyu、 Xiaowei Jia、 Yao Yang、 Keqi Hu、 Feifei Zhang、 Gaofeng WangA comprehensive investigation of LSTM-CNN deep learning model for fast detection of combustion instabilityFuel2021
Zhixin Zhu、 Yakun Huang、 Huangwei Zhang、 Xiaomin HeCombustion performance in a cavity-based combustor under subatmospheric pressureFuel2021
Gaofeng Wang、 Liang Zhong、 Yao Yang、 Yao Zheng、 Yuanqi Fang、 Yifan Xia、 Chenran YeExperimental investigation of the ignition dynamics in an annular premixed combustor with oblique-injecting swirling burnersFuel2021
Zhipeng Ma、 Xiaojun Jin、 Yixuan Guo、 Tengfei Zhang、 Yiming Jin、 Xudong Zheng、 Zhonghe JinPull-in dynamics of two MEMS parallel-plate structures for acceleration measurementIEEE Sensors Journal2021
Xinling Guo、 Zheming Lu、 Yijia ZhangCorrelation of centralities: A study through distinct graph robustnessIEICE Transactions on Information and Systems2021
Guanghua Song、 Xinfeng Li、 Zheming LuHow centrality of driver nodes affects controllability of complex networksIEICE Transactions on Information and Systems2021
Hualin Liu、 Guiyu Cao、 Weifang Chen、 Ramesh K. Agarwal、 Wenwen ZhaoGas-kinetic scheme coupled with turbulent kinetic energy equation for computing hypersonic turbulent and transitional flowsInternational Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics2021
Guozhan Xia、 Yipin Su、 Weiqiu ChenInstability of compressible soft electroactive platesInternational Journal of Engineering Science2021
Jianguo Xu、 Ruiyan Chen、 Hua MengWSGG models for radiative heat transfer calculations in hydrogen and hydrogen-mixture flames at various pressuresInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy2021
Zheming Lu、 Zonghui Wang∗、 Yongliang LiuMultipurpose multilevel multichannel information hiding framework for multimedia protection, authentication and traitor tracingInternational Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control2021
Yingjie Chen、 Bin Wu、 Jian Li、 Stephan Rudykh、 Weiqiu ChenLow-frequency tunable topological interface states in soft phononic crystal cylindersInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences2021
Xuefeng Wang、 Ronghua Huan、 Weiqiu Zhu、 Zhan Shi、 Xueyong Wei、 Guoqiang CaiAmplitude region for triggering frequency locking in internal resonance response of two nonlinearly coupled   micro-resonatorsInternational Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics2021
Wufan Chen、 Haofei ZhouModeling for cyclic plasticity of gradient nanostructured metals and fatigue life predictionInternational Journal of Applied Mechanics2021
Xiannian Huang、 Chuanyong Chen、 Haijun XuanExperimental and analytical investigation for fatigue crack growth characteristics of an aero-engine fan discInternational Journal of Fatigue2021
Xing Sun、 Hua MengLarge eddy simulations and   analyses of hydrocarbon fuel heat transfer in vertical upward flows at   supercritical pressuresInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer2021
Yunlong Qiu、 Wenjie Hu、 Changju Wu、 Weifang ChenFlow and heat transfer characteristics in a microchannel with a circular synthetic jetInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences2021
Zhiwei Liu、 Xiaoke Ku、 Hanhui Jin、 Shuna YangResearch on the microscopic reaction mechanism of cellulose pyrolysis using the molecular dynamics simulationJournal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis2021
Xi Li、 Bin ChenMobility of alpha-actinin along growing actin filaments might affect the cellular chiralityJournal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the Asme2021
Wufan Chen、 Haofei Zhou、 Wei YangPhysically based modeling of cyclic plasticity for highly oriented nanotwinned metalsJournal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the Asme2021
Liang Sun、 Zhicheng Zhang、 Cunfa Gao、 Chunli ZhangEffect of flexoelectricity on piezotronic responses of a piezoelectric semiconductor bilayerJournal of Applied Physics2021
Yiyang Jiang、 Yu Guo、 Zhaosheng Yu、 Xia Hua、 Jianzhong Lin、 Carl R. Wassgren、 Jennifer S. CurtisDiscrete element method-computational fluid dynamics analyses of flexible fibre fluidizationJournal of Fluid Mechanics2021
Zhaosheng Yu、 Yan Xia、 Yu Guo、 Jianzhong LinModulation of turbulence intensity by heavy finite-size particles in upward channel flowJournal of Fluid Mechanics2021
Zhaowu Lin、 Sheng Chen、 Tong GaoQ-tensor model for undulatory swimming in lyotropic liquid crystal polymersJournal of Fluid Mechanics2021
Yixuan Guo、 Zhipeng Ma、 Tengfei Zhang、 Xudong Zheng、 Zhonghe JinA stiffness-tunable MEMS accelerometerJournal of Micromechanics and Microengineering2021
Haibin Wu、 Xudong Zheng、 Xuetong Wang、 Yaojie Shen、 Zhonghe Jin、 Zhipeng MaEffects of both the drive- and sense-mode circuit phase delay on MEMS gyroscope performance and real-time suppression of the residual fluctuation phase errorJournal of Micromechanics and Microengineering2021
Gengyao Zhao、 Dingyi Pan、 Lifang Zeng、 Xueming ShaoNumerical study on droplet deformation in periodic pulsatile shear flow and effects of inertiaJournal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics2021
Zhuang Ma、 Gaofeng Wang、 Tao Cui、 Yao ZhengInterpretation of intermittent combustion oscillations by a new linearization procedureJournal of Propulsion and Power2021
Bingrui Liu、 Jianzhong Lin、 Xiaoke KuParticle migration induced by hydrodynamic interparticle interaction in the Poiseuille flow of a Giesekus fluidJournal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering2021
Zhuang Ma、 Tingwei Ji、 Tao Cui、 Yao ZhengAccess to empirical formulations of combustion efficiency for gas turbine combustors with improved   generalization abilityJournal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications2021
Sun Jiaojiao、 Xia Lei、 Ying Zuguang、 Huan Ronghua、 Zhu WeiqiuReliability of nonlinear stochastic controlled systems considering the dynamics of sensors and actuatorsJournal of Vibration and Control2021
Bingrui Liu、 Jianzhong Lin、 Xiaoke Ku、 Zhaosheng YuParticle trajectory and orientation evolution of ellipsoidal particles in bounded shear flow of Giesekus fluidsKorea-Australia Rheology Journal2021
Jinghong Su、 Xiaodong Chen、 Yongzheng Zhu、 Guoqing HuMachine learning assisted fast prediction of inertial lift in microchannelsLab on A Chip2021
Qingkun Zhao、 Huiya Yang、 Jiabin Liu、 Haofei Zhou、 Hongtao Wang、 Wei YangMachine learning-assisted discovery of strong and conductive Cu alloys: Data mining from discarded experiments and physical featuresMaterials & Design2021
Y. Tang、 H.F. Zhou、 X.D. Wang、 Q.P. Cao、 D.X. Zhang、 J.Z. JiangOrigin of different thermal cycling effects in Fe80P20 and Ni60Nb40 metallic glassesMaterials Today Physics2021
Xuefeng Wang、 Ronghua Huan、 Weiqiu Zhu、 Dong Pu、 Xueyong WeiFrequency locking in the internal resonance of two electrostatically coupled micro-resonators with   frequency ratio 1:3Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing2021
Chunyuan Liang、 Qian Zhang、 Yecheng Shao、 Yeqiang Bu、 Jiabin Liu、 Xiaoyan Li、 Hongtao Wang、 Wei YangInfluence of load orientations with respect to twin boundaries on the deformation behaviors of high-entropy alloy nanocrystalsMRS Bulletin2021
Xuecheng Sun、 Zheming Lu、 Zhe Wang、 Yongliang LiuA geometrically robust multi-bit video watermarking algorithm based on 2-D DFTMultimedia Tools and Applications2021
Liang Sun、 Lifeng Zhu、 Chunli Zhang、 Weiqiu Chen、 Zhonglin WangMechanical Manipulation of Silicon-based Schottky Diodes via FlexoelectricityNano Energy2021
Jinglan Liu、 Xuewei Zhang、 Shuai Zhang、 Zhenxing Zou、 Zilong Zhang、 Zehao Wu、 Yang Xia、 Qunyang Li、 Pei Zhao、 Hongtao Wang Sequential growth and twisted stacking of chemical-vapor-deposited grapheneNanoscale Advances2021
Dong Pu、 Pengzhe Yang、 Xuefeng Wang、 Ronghua Huan、 Zhuangde Jiang、 Xueyong WeiAnomalous amplitude-frequency dependence in a micromechanical resonator under synchronizationNonlinear Dynamics2021
Diqing Ying、 Qiang Liu、 Zeyu Wang、 Tao Xie、 Zhonghe JinClosed-loop RFOG based on square wave quadrature demodulationOptics Communications2021
Yi Lin、 Weiwen Qian、 Hanzhao Li、 Huilian Ma、 Zhonghe JinResonant micro optic gyroscope equipped with multi-turn waveguide ring resonatorOptics Communications2021
Jian Deng、 Xuerui Mao、 Luca BrandtSymmetry breaking of tail-clamped filaments in stokes flowPhysical Review Letters2021
Lingxin Zhang、 Zecai Zhou、 Jian Deng、 Xueming ShaoA numerical study on the drag law of a gas bubble using dynamic body force methodPhysics of Fluids2021
Lingxin Zhang、 Kai Peng、 Xueming Shao、 Jian DengDirect numerical simulation of deformable rising bubbles at low Reynolds numbersPhysics of Fluids2021
Zhongzheng Jiang、 Wenwen Zhao、 Weifang Chen、 Zhenyu YuanEu"s generalized hydrodynamics with its derived constitutive model: Comparison to Grad"s method and linear stability analysisPhysics of Fluids2021
Yao Yang、 Gaofeng Wang、 Yuanqi Fang、 Tai Jin、 Jingxuan LiExperimental study of the effect of outlet boundary on combustion instabilities in premixed swirling flamesPhysics of Fluids2021
Yuanqi Fang、 Yao Yang、 Keqi Hu、 Gaofeng Wang、 Jingxuan Li、 Yao ZhengExperimental study on self-excited thermoacoustic instabilities and intermittent switching of   azimuthal and longitudinal modes in an annular combustorPhysics of Fluids2021
Yi Liu、 Zhaosheng Yu、 Kun Luo、 Yu GuoFrictional granular flows of rod and disk mixtures with particle shape distributionsPhysics of Fluids2021
Changdong Zheng、 Tingwei Ji、 Fangfang Xie、 Xinshuai Zhang、 Hongyu Zheng、 Yao ZhengFrom active learning to deep reinforcement learning: Intelligent active flow control in suppressing   vortex-induced vibrationPhysics of Fluids2021
Xiao Hu、 Jianzhong Lin、 Yu Guo、 Xiaoke KuInertial focusing of elliptical particles and formation of self-organizing trains in a channel flowPhysics of Fluids2021
Xiaojing Qi、 Shuo Wang、 Shuhao Ma、 Keqin Han、 Xuejin LiQuantitative prediction of flow dynamics and mechanical retention of surface-altered red blood cells through a splenic slitPhysics of Fluids2021
Zhenyu Ouyang、 Jianzhong LinThe hydrodynamics of an inertial squirmer rodPhysics of Fluids2021
Yan Xia、 Zhaowu Lin、 Dingyi Pan、 Zhaosheng YuTurbulence modulation by finite-size heavy particles in a downward turbulent channel flowPhysics of Fluids2021
Zhenyu Ouyang、 Jianzhong LinMigration of a micro-swimmer in a channel flowPowder Technology2021
Xiao Hu、 Jianzhong Lin、 Yu Guo、 Xiaoke KuMotion and equilibrium position of elliptical and rectangular particles in a channel flow of a power-law fluidPowder Technology2021
Jintao Pang、 Xianhao Le、 Qian Zhang、 Changju Wu、 Jin XieThe shear modulus determination via quartz crystal resonator for graphene oxide film prepared by drop castingProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (Mems)2021
Ruifang Shi、 Jianzhong Lin、 Hailin YangDistribution of nanoparticles in a turbulent Taylor-couette flow considering particle coagulation and breakageProcesses2021
Jian Deng、 Shuhong Wang、 Prabal Kandel、 Lubao TengEffects of free surface on a flapping-foil based ocean current energy extractorRenewable Energy2021
Shiming Mo、 Xiaojun Jin、 Chen Lin、 Wei Zhang、 Zhaobin Xu、 Zhonghe JinMulti-satellite relative navigation scheme for microsatellites using inter-satellite radio frequency measurementsSensors2021
Liqian Wang、 Fengrui Liu、 Jin Qian、 Ziliang Wu、 Rui XiaoMulti-responsive PNIPAM-PEGDA hydrogel compositeSoft Matter2021
Huigang Wang、 Chengyu Zhang、 Hongbing XiongGrowth and collapse dynamics of a vapor bubble near or at a wallWater2021
Shuang Liu、 Hanzhao Li、 Lu Liu、 Weiwen Qian、 Yi Lin、 Huilian MaLaser frequency noise power spectral density measurement technology and its application to resonant optical fiber gyroscope光学学报2021
Hanzhao Li、 Weiwen Qian、 Lu Liu、 Huilian Ma、 Zhonghe JinAnalysis and optimization of angle random walk of resonant fiber optic gyroscope中国激光2021