作者 | 论文名称 | 期刊名称 | 发表时间 |
Li JC、Yang KW、Wang YB、Chen RX、Chen YM | Centrifuge modeling of seismic response of slope on partially replaced soft soil ground | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2023 |
李超、管龙华、何健健、汪玉冰 | 边坡主震响应方向性及余震效应的离心模型试验 | 岩土工程学报 | 2023 |
Shu S、Chen C、Chen HR、Lai Y | Six-Degree-of-Freedom measurement of plate anchors in centrifuge by magnetometers | China Ocean Engineering | 2022 |
Chen R、Chen Y、Xu W、Hu Y、Zhan L、Li J、Zhuang D、Li K | The influence of the hypergravity field during bubble ripening in porous media | Geophysical Research Letters | 2022 |
Wu LY、Kong DQ、Zhu B、Chen RP、Chen YM | Centrifuge modelling of wave-induced seabed response in clay | Geotechnique | 2022 |
Elbadawy Mohamed A.、Zhou YG、Liu K | A modified pressure dependent multi-yield surface model for simulation of LEAP-Asia-2019 centrifuge experiments | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2022 |
周燕国、王智男、马强、梁甜、陈云敏 | ZJU-400离心机机载微型CPTu装置研制与性能测试 | 岩土工程学报 | 2022 |
张梓鸿、许成顺、闫冠宇、杜修力、李洋、周燕国 | 液化夹层场地地铁车站结构离心机振动台试验方案设计 | 岩土工程学报 | 2022 |
吴雷晔、万佳怡、孔德琼、朱斌、陈仁朋、陈云敏 | 波浪作用下软黏土海床动力响应离心模型试验 | 中南大学学报(自然科学版) | 2022 |
Zhu B、Wu XF、Wang YB、Zhou YG | Centrifuge modelling for seismic response of single pile for wind turbine subjected to lateral load | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 2021 |
Zhu B、Ying PP、Zhu ZJ、Lin WA、Kong DQ | Centrifuge modelling of lateral cyclic behaviour of a tetrapod piled jacket in soft clay | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering | 2021 |
Zhou YG、Liu K、Sun ZB、Chen YM | Liquefaction mitigation mechanisms of stone column-improved ground by dynamic centrifuge model tests | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2021 |
邹德高、刘京茂、汪玉冰、李俊超、李多、陈涛、王锋 | 西部某水电站覆盖层地基离心机动力试验数值模拟 | 水电与抽水蓄能 | 2021 |
凌道盛、施昌宇、郑建靖、赵宇、陈云敏 | 离心模型试验物质运动非惯性系效应 | 岩土工程学报 | 2021 |
Bate B、Cao J*、Zhang C、Hao N | Influences of size and content of enzyme induced calcite precipitates on the stiffness of a fine sand – a spectral induced polarization study | Acta Geotechnica | 2020 |
Chen YM、 Xu WJ*、 Ling DS、 Zhan LT、 Gao W | A degradation – consolidation model for the stabilization behavior of landfilled municipal solid waste | Computers and Geotechnics | 2020 |
Wan ZB、Bian XC*、Li SH、Chen YM、Cui YJ | Remediation of mud pumping in ballastless high-speed railway using polyurethane chemical injection | Construction and Building Materials | 2020 |
Li JL、Shi XL、Zhang S | Construction modeling and parameter optimization of multi-step horizontal energy storage salt caverns | Energy | 2020 |
Li JL、 Xu WJ、 Zheng JJ*、 Liu W*、 Shi XL、 Yang CH | Modeling the mining of energy storage salt caverns using a structural dynamic mesh | Energy | 2020 |
He R*、 Su Y、 Leewis MC、 Chu YX 、 Wang J、 Ma RC、 Wu DL、 Zhan LT 、 Herriott IC、 Leigh MB | Low O-2 level enhances CH4-derived carbon flow into microbial communities in landfill cover soils | Environmental Pollution | 2020 |
Zhao C、Koseki J、Liu WC | Local deformation behavior of saturated silica sand during undrained cyclic torsional shear tests using image analysis | Geotechnique | 2020 |
Zhou YG、Meng D、Ma Q、Ling DS、Huang B、Chen YM | Frequency response function and shaking control of the ZJU-400 geotechnical centrifuge shaker | International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics | 2020 |
Zhou YG、Meng D、Ma Q、Lin DS、Huang B、Chen YM | Frequency response function and shaking control of ZJU-400 geotechnical centrifuge shaker | International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics | 2020 |
Zheng J、Hu Y. | Investigation of burst failure for a thick-walled spherical vessel with plastic orthotropy under internal and external pressures | Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics | 2020 |
Zhu B、Ye ZG、Wang LJ*、Xu WJ、Kong DQ、Nagel T、Kolditz O、Chen YM | Theoretical investigation into thermo-osmosis and thermo-filtration effects on hydro-mechanical behavior of saturated soils | Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Asce | 2020 |
Li JL、Yang CH、Shi XL、Xu WJ、Li YP、Daemen JJK | Construction modeling and shape prediction of horizontal salt caverns for gas/oil storage in bedded salt. | Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering | 2020 |
Li Y、Wei S、Xu N、He Y | Internal forces within the layered structure of Na-montmorillonite hydrates: molecular dynamics simulation | Journal of Physical Chemistry. C | 2020 |
Zhu B、Wu XF、Wang YB、Chen YM | Centrifuge modeling for seismic response of fixed-end model piles considering local scour | Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering | 2020 |
Bian XC、Fu L、Zhao C*、Chen YM | Centrifuge testing and numerical modeling of pile foundation of high-speed railway undergoing repeated groundwater declining | Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A | 2020 |
Liu TW、Li JC、Zhu B、Wang YB、Gao YF、Chen YM | Centrifuge shaking table modelling test study on anti-liquefied densification of small earth-rock dam slope | Rock and Soil Mechanics | 2020 |
Wu XF、Wang YB、Zhu B | Centrifuge test of dry sand and saturated sand ground seismic response under earthquake sequence | Rock and Soil Mechanics | 2020 |
Ye XW*、Jin T、Ang PP、Bian XC、Chen YM | Computer vision-based monitoring of the 3-D structural deformation of an ancient structure induced by shield tunneling construction | Structural Control and Health Monitoring | 2020 |
Bian XC、Liang YW、Zhao C*、Dong L、Cai DG | Centrifuge testing and numerical modeling of single pile and long-pile groups adjacent to surcharge loads in silt soil | Transportation Geotechnics | 2020 |
Bian XC、Duan X、Li W、Jiang JQ* | Track settlement restoration of ballastless high-speed railway using polyurethane grouting: Full-scale model testing | Transportation Geotechnics | 2020 |
陈云敏、马鹏程、唐耀 | 土体的本构模型和超重力物理模拟 | 力学学报 | 2020 |
周燕国、摄宇、陈捷、詹良通、陈云敏 | 超重力离心模型试验土体弹性波速监测与表征 | 土木工程学报 | 2020 |
陈仁朋、刘书伦、孟凡衍、叶俊能、朱斌 | 软黏土地层基坑开挖对旁侧隧道影响离心模型试验研究 | 岩土工程学报 | 2020 |
刘凯、周燕国、孙政波、陈云敏 | 振动作用下碎石桩复合地基渗流理论分析与物理模拟 | 岩土工程学报 | 2020 |
吴小锋、汪玉冰、朱斌 | 地震序列作用下干砂与饱和砂地基动力响应离心模拟试验 | 岩土力学 | 2020 |
刘庭伟、李俊超、朱斌、汪玉冰、高玉峰、陈云敏 | 小型土石坝加密抗液化离心机振动台试验研究 | 岩土力学 | 2020 |
林伟岸、郑传祥、蒋建群、凌道盛、陈云敏 | 大容量超重力离心机温控缩比模型试验 | 浙江大学学报(工学版) | 2020 |
陈云敏 | 离心超重力实验:探索多相介质演变的革命性手段 | 浙江大学学报(工学版) | 2020 |
Hen ZJ、Cao JN、Bate BT*、Song XY | Reply to "Discussion of "On the soil water characteristic curves of poorly graded granular materials in aqueous polymer solutions" by Junnan Cao, Jongwon Jung, Xiaoyu Song and Bate Bate, Acta Geotechnica, 2018, 13(1):103-116" by Peng Liu and Xiaoming Liu | Acta Geotechnica | 2019 |
Ye XW*、Jin T、Chen PY | Structural crack detection using deep learning-based fully convolutional networks | Advances in Structural Engineering | 2019 |
Li JL、Tang Y*、Shi XL*、Xu WJ、Yang CH | Modeling the construction of energy storage salt caverns in bedded salt | Applied Energy | 2019 |
Ma PC、Liu R、Lian JJ、Zhu B | An investigation into the lateral loading response of shallow bucket foundations for offshore wind turbines through centrifuge modeling in sand | Applied Ocean Research | 2019 |
Chen RP、Wu LY、Zhu B、Kong DQ* | Numerical modelling of pipe-soil interaction for marine pipelines in sandy seabed subjected to wave loadings | Applied Ocean Research | 2019 |
Ng CWW、Chen R、Coo JL*、Liu J、Ni JJ、Chen YM 、Zhan LT、Guo HW 、Lu BW | A novel vegetated three-layer landfill cover system using recycled construction wastes without geomembrane | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 2019 |
Zhu B、Wen K、Li T、Wang LJ、Kong DQ* | Experimental study on lateral pile–soil interaction of offshore tetrapod piled jacket foundations in sand | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 2019 |
Bate B*、Khayat KH、Zhang S、Chen P | Reply to "A discussion on the paper "Determination of mortar setting times using shear wave velocity evolution curves measured by the bender element technique""by J. Carette and S. Staquet | Cement and Concrete Research | 2019 |
Ye JS、 Chen X、 Chen C、 Bate B* | Emerging sustainable technologies for remediation of soils and groundwater in a municipal solid waste landfill site - a review | Chemosphere | 2019 |
Zeng K、Qiu T、Bian XC*、Xiao M、Huang H | Identification of ballast condition using SmartRock and pattern recognition | Construction and Building Materials | 2019 |
Hu J、Wu XW、Ke H*、Xu XB 、Lan JW、Zhan LT | Application of electrical resistivity tomography to monitor the dewatering of vertical and horizontal wells in municipal solid waste landfills | Engineering Geology | 2019 |
Zhou YG、Meng D、Ma Q、Huang B、Ling DS、Chen YM | Centrifuge modeling of dynamic response of high fill slope by using generalized scaling law | Engineering Geology | 2019 |
Xu H* 、Miao JD、Chen P、Zhan LT、Wang YZ | Chemical and geotechnical properties of solidified/stabilized MSWI fly ash disposed at a landfill in China | Engineering Geology | 2019 |
Zhao Y、Wang R、Jiang YJ*、 Liu HJ 、Wei ZL | GIS-based logistic regression for rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility mapping under different grid sizes in Yueqing, Southeastern China | Engineering Geology | 2019 |
Kong DQ、 Fonseca J* | On the kinematics of shelly carbonate sand using X-ray micro tomography | Engineering Geology | 2019 |
Ye XW*、Xi PS、Nagode M | Extension of REBMIX algorithm to von Mises parametric family for modeling joint distribution of wind speed and direction | Engineering Structures | 2019 |
Zhan LT、Xu H*、Jiang XM、Lan JW 、Chen YM 、Zhang ZY | Use of electrical resistivity tomography for detecting the distribution of leachate and gas in a large-scale MSW landfill cell | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2019 |
Hu J、Bian XC、Chen YM | Nonlinear consolidation of multilayer soil under cyclic loadings | European Journal of Environmental And Civil Engineering | 2019 |
Huang ZJ、Ren XD、Chen ZY、Ling DS | Centrifuge experiment and numerical analysis of an air-backed plate subjected to underwater shock loading | Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering | 2019 |
Bian XC、Li W、Qian Y、Tutumluer E | Analysing the effect of principal stress rotation on railway track settlement by discrete element method | Géotechnique | 2019 |
Wang LJ、 Zhu B*、 Chen YM 、 Kong DQ、 Chen RP | Coupled consolidation and heat-flow analysis of layered soils surrounding cylindrical heat sources using a precise integration technique | International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics | 2019 |
Bian XC、Li W、Qian Y、Tutumluer E* | Micromechanical particle interactions in railway ballast through DEM simulations of direct shear tests | International Journal of Geomechanics | 2019 |
Zhu B、Feng LY、Kong DQ* | Modeling cyclic embedment of deep-water pipelines using large displacement limit analysis | International Journal of Geomechanics | 2019 |
Wang LJ、Zhu B*、Chen YM、Chen RP、Shi XS | Precise model for predicting excess pore-water pressure of layered soils induced by thermal-mechanical loads | Journal of Engineering Mechanics | 2019 |
Kong DQ、 Wen K、 Zhu B*、 Zhu ZJ、 Chen YM | Centrifuge modeling of cyclic lateral behaviors of a tetrapod piled jacket foundation for offshore wind turbines in sand | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | 2019 |
Kang X、Cao JN、Bate B* | Large-strain strength of polymer modified kaolinite and fly ash-kaolinite mixtures | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | 2019 |
Cao J、Bate B*、Bouazza A、Deng. W | Measuring retardation factors of cesium133 and strontium88 cations using column Test | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering | 2019 |
Chu Y、 Nie SK、 Liu SY、 Lee C、 Bate B* | Complex dielectric permittivity of metal and polymer modified montmorillonite | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2019 |
Kang X*、Bate B、Chen RP、Yang W、Wang F | Physicochemical and mechanical properties of polymer-amended kaolinite and fly ash-kaolinite mixtures | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | 2019 |
Xu Hi、Miao JD、Chen P、Zhan LT、Luo XY | Measurements of geotechnical properties of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash stabilized by chemical reagents | Journal of Zhejiang University.Engineering Science | 2019 |
Kong LG、 Fan JY*、Liu JW、Chen YM | Group effect in piles under eccentric lateral loading in sand | Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A | 2019 |
Yang QJ、 Gao YF、 Kong DQ、 Zhu B* | Centrifuge modelling of lateral loading behaviour of a “semi-rigid” mono-pile in soft clay | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 2019 |
Yang QJ、Gao YF、Kong DQ、Zhu B | Centrifuge modelling of lateral loading behaviour of a semi-rigid Mono-pile in soft clay | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 2019 |
Zhu B、Qian H、Kong DQ*、Li W、Xu Y、Xiong G | Field trials on monotonic behaviour of a driven pile at an offshore wind farm in China | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 2019 |
Zhu B、Yang SQ 、Wang LJ*、Kong DQ | One-dimensional analytical model for thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling behaviour of hydrates overlying layer during gas production | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | 2019 |
Long HB、 Mao SC、 Liu YN*、 Wei H 、 Deng QS、 Chen YH、 Zhang Z 、 Han XD* | Effect of pre-straining treatment on high temperature creep behavior of Ni-based single crystal superalloys | Materials & Design | 2019 |
Wei SY、 Wang QN、 Wei H、 Wang JW* | Bending-induced deformation twinning in body-centered cubic tungsten nanowires | Materials Research Letters, | 2019 |
Zheng J*、Li L、Li YC | Total and effective stresses in backfilled stopes during the fill placement on a pervious base for barricade design | Minerals | 2019 |
Zhan LT、Hu YT、Liu XC、Chen J、Wang HL、Zhu B、Chen YM | Centrifuge modelling of rainfall infiltration in an unsaturated loess and joint monitoring of multi-physical parameters | Rock and Soil Mechanics | 2019 |
Feng S、Leung AK、Liu HW*、Ng CWW、Zhang LT、Chen R | Effects of thermal boundary condition on methane oxidation in landfill cover soil at different ambient temperatures | Science of the Total Environment | 2019 |
Ye XW*、 Jin T、 Yun CB | A review on deep learning-based structural health monitoring of civil infrastructures | Smart Structures and Systems | 2019 |
Ye XW、Ding Y、Wan HP* | Machine learning approaches for wind speed forecasting using long-term monitoring data: a comparative study | Smart Structures and Systems | 2019 |
Ni PH、Ye XW* | Nonlinear finite element model updating with a decentralized approach | Smart Structures and Systems | 2019 |
Zhang FL、Yang YP、Ye XW*、Yang JH、Han BK | Structural modal identification and MCMC-based model updating by a Bayesian approach | Smart Structures and Systems | 2019 |
Li JC、Zhu B、Ye XW、Liu TW、Chen YM | Two-dimensional deformation measurement in the centrifuge model test using particle image velocimetry | Smart Structures and Systems | 2019 |
Bian XC、Hu J、Thompson D*、Powrie W | Pore pressure generation in a poro-elastic soil under moving train loads | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2019 |
Hu J、Bian XC*、Xu WC、Thompson D | Investigation into the critical speed of ballastless track | Transportation Geotechnics | 2019 |
Yao XZ、Ma RC、Li HJ、Wang C、Zhang C、Yin SS、Wu DL*、He XY、Wang J、Zhan LT、He R* | Assessment of the major odor contributors and health risks of volatile compounds in three disposal technologies for municipal solid waste | Waste Management | 2019 |
Zhan LT、 Wu T、 Feng S*、 Lan JW 、 Chen YM | A simple and rapid in situ method for measuring landfill gas emissions and methane oxidation rates in landfill covers | Waste Management & Research | 2019 |
Xu H、 Wang JN、 Zhan LT、 Zhang ZY、 Xu XB、 Chen YM、 Yao K | Characterization of compression behaviors of high food waste content (HFWC) MSW and no food waste content (NFWC) MSW in China | Waste Management (New York, N.Y.) | 2019 |
Hu J、Ke H、Zhan LT、Chen ZY、Lan JW、Powrie William、Chen YM | Installation and performance of horizontal wells for dewatering at municipal solid waste landfills in China | Waste Management (New York, N.Y.) | 2019 |
Huang B、Guo C、Tang Y*、Guo JC、Cao LF | Experimental study on the Permeability Characteristic of Fused Quartz Sand and Mixed Oil as a Transparent soil | Water | 2019 |
林伟岸、李俊超、赵宇、朱斌 | ZJU400超重力离心机系统开放共享探讨 | 实验技术与管理 | 2019 |
吴雷晔、朱斌、陈仁朋、孔德琼 | 波浪-海床-结构物相互作用离心模型试验及数值模拟 | 土木工程学报 | 2019 |
许成顺、李洋、杜修力、李政、周燕国 | 上覆土竖向惯性力对浅埋地下框架结构地震损伤反应影响离心机振动台模型试验研究 | 土木工程学报 | 2019 |
詹良通、胡英涛、刘小川、陈捷、王瀚霖、朱斌、陈云敏 | 非饱和黄土地基降雨入渗离心模型试验及多物理量联合监测 | 岩土力学 | 2019 |
Zhu B、Li JC、Wang LJ、Chen YM | Centrifugal model tests on static and seismic stability of landfills with high water level | Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, Vol 2 | 2018 |
Li JC、Zhu B、Yang CB、Wang LJ、Chen YM | Centrifugal model tests on stress deformation of plain-type landfills under vertical expansion | Rock and Soil Mechanics | 2018 |
Shu S、Zhu W、Wang SW、Ng CWW、Chen YM、Chiu ACF | Leachate breakthrough mechanism and key pollutant indicator of municipal solid waste landfill barrier systems: Centrifuge and numerical modeling approach | Science of the Total Environment | 2018 |
Zeghal M、Goswami N、Kutter BL、Manzari MT、Abdoun T、Arduino P、Armstrong R、Beaty M、Chen YM、Ghofrani A、Haig S、Hung WY、Iai SSM、Kokkali P、Lee CJ、Madabhushi G、Tobita T、Ueda K、Zhou YG、Ziotopoulou K | Stress-strain response of the LEAP-2015 centrifuge tests and numerical predictions | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2018 |
Zhou YG、Sun ZB、Chen YM | Zhejiang University benchmark centrifuge test for LEAP-GWU-2015 and liquefaction responses of a sloping ground | Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 2018 |
Zhao C*、Koseki J、Sasaki T | Image based local deformation measurement of saturated sand specimen in undrained cyclic triaxial tests | Soils and Foundations | 2018 |
Chen RP、Yin XS、Tang LJ、Chen YM | Centrifugal model tests on face failure of earth pressure balance shield induced by steady state seepage in saturated sandy silt ground | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | 2018 |
李俊超、朱斌、杨春宝、王路君、陈云敏 | 竖向扩建填埋场变形离心模型试验研究 | 岩土力学 | 2018 |